Embracing Online Discipleship: What is an LMS and is it Right for Your Church?

I remember March 2020 as if it were yesterday. I specifically recall the day leadership sent everyone in the office home because of COVID-19, and that's when the lockdown began to spread across the country. Little did we know that we would spend most of the following year hunkering down in our homes, working remotely, and attending church online.

If your church wasn't already streaming its services online, the pandemic made it a necessity. Streaming tools like Facebook Live or YouTube live streaming became the norm for hosting a virtual service. The church had to shift quickly, without warning, and potentially without solutions already in place.

The Shift to Online Discipleship

The global pandemic forced churches worldwide to rethink how they would conduct services and facilitate discipleship. Physical gatherings were no longer possible, and the traditional Sunday school or classroom model was disrupted. Yet, this challenge presented an opportunity for innovation. Online attendance soared as churches live-streamed services and hosted virtual small groups. Amid this digital revolution, Learning Management Systems emerged as a vital resource for equipping discipleship.

The church I worked for at the time had already started exploring ways to offer discipleship and equipping classes online before the pandemic. We had no idea how important this decision would turn out to be. At the time, the thought was to allow congregants the convenience of attending a virtual class on-demand rather than attending sessions physically at a specific time and place. These virtual classes were for new visitors who wanted to learn more about the church's foundations, and for members who were looking to continue their spiritual journey. We found the solution to offering these virtual classes in an online Learning Management System.

What is a Learning Management System?

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that enables the creation, delivery, and management of educational courses and training programs. It provides a centralized platform where learners can access content, participate in interactive activities, and track their progress. For churches, an LMS offers a way to extend discipleship beyond the physical walls of the church and provides flexible and accessible learning opportunities for all congregants.

Benefits of LMS for Church Discipleship

  • Flexibility and Accessibility: LMS platforms allow church members to participate in discipleship programs at their convenience. Whether they are at home, traveling, or have busy schedules, they can access the materials anytime, anywhere. This flexibility is especially beneficial for those who may find it challenging to attend physical classes regularly.

  • Interactive and Engaging Content: Modern LMS platforms support various multimedia formats, including videos, quizzes, discussion boards, and live webinars. These interactive elements make learning more engaging and can enhance the overall discipleship experience.

  • Tracking and Reporting: LMS systems provide tools to track progress and performance for each learner. Church leaders can monitor participation, completion rates, and individual achievements or milestones.

  • Community Building: Despite being online, LMS platforms can foster a sense of community through discussion forums and group activities. Members can share insights, ask questions, and support each other, much like they would in a physical classroom.

Popular LMS Platforms for Online Learning

  • LearnWorlds: is a versatile LMS that offers interactive video content, quizzes, and eBooks, making it ideal for creating comprehensive discipleship programs. Its intuitive design and extensive customization options help churches deliver engaging learning experiences.

  • Blackboard Learn: Known for its robust and user-friendly interface, Blackboard Learn offers a range of tools for content creation, virtual classrooms, and assessment. It's ideal for churches looking to provide a structured and professional online learning environment.

  • Teachable: Teachable is popular for its simplicity and ease of use. It allows churches to create courses, making it suitable for offering specialized discipleship programs or training modules.

  • Thinkific: Thinkific provides an all-in-one platform for creating and delivering online courses. Its strong community features and customizable options make it an excellent choice for churches aiming to build an interactive online discipleship program.

  • Pathwright: Pathwright stands out for its elegant design and user-friendly interface. It's particularly well suited for churches that want to create beautiful, engaging online courses with interactive elements and seamless navigation.

Implementing an LMS at Your Church

  • Identify Needs and Goals: Start by identifying your congregation's specific needs and the goals of your discipleship programs. This will help you select the right LMS platform and design the content accordingly.

  • Create Engaging Content: Develop content that is informative and engaging. Use a mix of videos, readings, quizzes, and discussions to cater to different learning styles.

  • Train Your Leaders: Ensure your church leaders are equipped and prepared to lead. Provide training sessions and resources to help leaders grow and lead teams effectively.

  • Promote Participation: Encourage your congregation to take advantage of the online discipleship programs. Highlight the benefits of flexible learning and the opportunity to stay connected with the church community.

  • Monitor and Adapt: Review progress and feedback from participants regularly. Use this data to make necessary adjustments and improvements to your classes and programs.


If your church offers discipleship classes, Sunday School, equipping for leaders, staff, and volunteers, or other spiritual growth opportunities, you may want to consider a virtual or online version.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably changed the landscape of the church. However, by embracing Learning Management Systems, churches can continue to equip and disciple their members effectively. These platforms offer a flexible, engaging, and accessible learning method, ensuring the congregation's spiritual growth is nurtured in this digital age. As our church discovered, the future of discipleship lies not just within the physical walls of the church but also in the possibilities of an online community participating in online learning.

Jason Silbernagel

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