
We offer comprehensive solutions for church management and growth. Whether you’re starting fresh with a Planning Center migration or looking to optimize your current setup, we provide tailored support at every stage. From importing data to Planning Center to offering expert Planning Center help, your church can confidently jump in and grow at any point in the process.

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Our Approach

The Goal

Through innovative strategies and tools, we empower the local church to intentionally engage their congregation and community.

The Process

Playbooks over Prescriptions

Every church is different. We help churches all over the world adopt best practices and tailor processes to their church.

Everyone is Empowered

We empower your whole team through on-demand and scheduled training, ensuring each team member becomes an expert in Planning Center.

Accelerate via Automation

We know your time is valuable. We help you build systems that are easy to maintain so you can spend more time with people and less time managing processes.

Our Pricing Philosophy

Every church is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and budget availability. While our standard pricing reflects the value we deliver, we understand that financial discussions can be sensitive. We encourage open communication to align our services with your resources. If our pricing doesn't fit your budget, let’s talk. We are committed to matching any comparable quote and exploring alternative pricing options to accommodate your church's financial needs. Together, we will find a solution that works for both of us.

Service 01

Planning Center Migration

A tiered approach for every budget

Import your data to Planning Center

Training, implementation, strategy and support

A tiered approach for every budget

Our services packages, designed in a three-tiered structure, fit almost any budget. If your project does not align with our tiers, we will happily discuss and build a custom plan.

Import your data to Planning Center

Importing data to Planning Center can be complex, but it doesn't have to be. Our team specializes in importing data to Planning Center, ensuring that your transition is efficient and error-free. We manage the process from start to finish, verifying that all information is correctly mapped and transferred to align with your ministry’s goals.

Training, implementation, strategy and support

Our commitment to your success extends beyond the data import. We believe in customizing Planning Center to fit your unique needs, not forcing you into a one-size-fits-all solution. Our discovery process and training sessions are designed to review your current processes and offer optimization suggestions when applicable. We conduct these trainings remotely, over Zoom, but also offer on-site training when needed. Our implementation philosophy is to walk alongside you, equipping you and your team for success, not just doing the work for you.


7 Things You Need to Know Before Moving to Planning Center →

Discover the key reasons to migrate to Planning Center and how it can benefit your church growth.


Migration Timeline →

Unsure of what to expect when making the switch to Planning Center? Review our timeline for details.


The Giving Guide →

This guide provides answers to all of your questions about moving to Planning Center Giving.

Service 02

Church Growth Partner

Establish great processes

Improve your engagement

Empower and Disciple

Consider us, at Threefold Solutions, an integral part of your team, dedicated to showcasing and leveraging opportunities for growth. As your growth partner, we are committed to driving process changes that enhance scalability and operational efficiency. We work side-by-side with you, aligning with your goals and challenges, to develop strategies that not only expand your reach but also solidify your future impact. We view ourselves as partners for your church, looking to help you find sustainable and organic growth.

Service 03

Coaching and Training

Planning Center Group trainings

Customized coaching

On-site training available

At the beginning of our coaching and training sessions, we facilitate a discovery process in order to understand your specific needs. This helps us tailor our training sessions to fit you and your team. Whether in-person or remotely, our goal is to focus on the specifics and not just provide a generic templated perspective; we call these playbooks. Our approach will optimize your processes and provide automated solutions to reduce administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on ministry instead of data entry.

Service 04

Planning Center Support

Personalized support assistance

Tiered service options

Expert guidance and solutions

Our Support services are designed to help your staff and volunteers learn proven systems, supporting the daily ministry activities of your church. At the end of the day, we want to teach your team to be self-sufficient so that they get the most out of each application. Each support package includes a generous allocation of monthly hours for various maintenance tasks, customization, training resources, and strategic coaching. Services encompass regular system maintenance, integration, template creation, and team management, all supported by consistent communication via calls and emails. Additionally, dedicated sessions focus on overarching strategy and problem-solving, providing comprehensive support tailored to your organizational needs.

A La Carte Training and Support

Coaching and Training

Tailored and custom training sessions to fit you and your team. Let’s talk about a specific and curated training plan.

On Demand Video Training

The Planning Center Playbook

The Planning Center Playbook is a collection of all of our tips and tricks from working with hundreds of churches. Learn proven strategies when it’s most convenient for you.

Weekly Newsletter

The Fold →

Unlock your church’s growth potential by leveraging proven strategies for all situations. Subscribe to stay up to date.

Service 05

Custom Development

Build custom websites

Write custom integrations to your desired apps

Custom branded mobile and OTT apps

At Threefold Solutions, we transform your digital visions into reality. Our custom development services are designed to tailor unique digital solutions that fit your organization’s specific needs. From crafting custom websites that capture your churches unique culture, to developing seamless integrations with your essential apps, and even creating custom-branded apps, our team is equipped to handle all your technological challenges. Let us help you stand out with our innovative, custom digital solutions.

Service 06

Data and Analytics

Capture metrics that matter

Automate your reporting

Dashboards made simple

Unlock the power of your data with Threefold Solutions. Our data and analytics services provide you with the tools to capture essential metrics, automate your reporting processes, and simplify complex data into user-friendly dashboards. Whether you are looking to enhance decision-making, increase operational efficiency, or gain deeper insights into your community, our customized solutions are designed to be modular. Embrace data-driven decision making and propel your organization forward with our expert analytics support.

Our Team, Your Church

Join the hundreds of churches who have partnered with us at Threefold