Know this one thing before migrating to Planning Center.

Migrating your church management system (ChMS) to Planning Center can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a seamless process. There are a lot of pieces to a ChMS migration. Still, there is one CRITICAL element in ensuring a successful migration, especially if you are taking on this migration by yourself. It all comes down to understanding the Remote ID.

What is the Remote ID? 

Planning Center created a special field for the import process—the Remote ID. This unique identifier is crucial for importing person records into Planning Center. Think of it as your safety net. If something goes wrong during the import, the Remote ID helps ensure that your data remains intact and can be corrected without starting from scratch. 

The Remote ID is Planning Center’s way of uniquely identifying a record (a person) in your CSV files. You might see this in your current ChMS export files as Individual ID, Person ID, ID, or some variant. It’s the key that ensures your system recognizes individuals consistently across all its parts.

Why Does the Remote ID Matter?

Even if you’re not a database expert, the Remote ID is essential because it acts as the glue during the import process. It allows for the stacking of imports, meaning you can import different chunks of data from multiple export files, and Planning Center will merge them into one complete profile. This flexibility is only possible with the Remote ID.

Practical Example: Imagine you export the basics from your ChMS—name, email, phone number, address, birthdate, anniversary—but you also need to import custom attributes like class attendance, membership status, campus, etc. If these aren't included in one giant CSV export, you'll have to do multiple imports. With the Remote ID, this isn't a problem. You just need the Remote ID, First Name, and Last Name to tie everything together, preventing duplicates and ensuring data accuracy.

What Happens if You Don’t Use the Remote ID? 

Let’s consider the consequences of not using the Remote ID. Many ChMS export files might not include all necessary details for an import. If you skip the Remote ID, you may end up missing critical data needed to bring into Planning Center. You might think you can manually combine files using a spreadsheet, but this often leads to creating hundreds of new profiles, even for people already in the system. Planning Center’s matching algorithm is good, but it’s not foolproof. It defaults to creating duplicates rather than updating profiles with potentially inaccurate information. This is why the Remote ID is crucial.

Steps to Ensure a Smooth Migration:

  1. Identify the Remote ID in Your Current System:

    • Look for fields labeled Individual ID, Person ID, or similar in your export files.

    • Ensure this field is included in every export file you plan to import into Planning Center.

  2. Prepare Your Data:

    • Clean your data to ensure there are no duplicates or errors in the fields.

    • Make sure the Remote ID, First Name, and Last Name are consistent across all files.

  3. Stack Your Imports:

    • Begin with the basic data import (name, email, etc.).

    • Follow up with supplemental imports (custom attributes, membership data, etc.), ensuring the Remote ID is included each time.

  4. Test Your Imports:

    • Before initiating a complete import, test the process with a small portion of your data.

    • Check for any discrepancies or duplicates and adjust your data as needed.

  5. Utilize Resources and Support:

Additional Resources:

To stay updated and gain more insights into church management and technology solutions, subscribe to our newsletter, The Fold. It’s a valuable resource for church staff and volunteers looking to enhance their technical know-how and streamline their operations.

By understanding and utilizing the Remote ID, you’ll ensure a smoother, more efficient migration to Planning Center. Remember, if the process becomes overwhelming, Threefold Solutions is here to help every step of the way.

Michael Visser

Co-founder, Threefold Solutions


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