You Don't Have an Excuse
Have you ever caught yourself saying, "We just don't have the time?” I have no doubts this is a common phrase in vocabulary. We've all been there. Whether it's improving our outreach programs, developing new ministries, or working on that community project we've been praying about, time always seems to slip through our fingers.
But here's the gentle truth: You do have the time. It's about prayerfully considering our priorities and stewardship of the time God has given us.
A Tale of Two Churches: The Time Trap
Let me share a story about two churches, Grace Community and Faith Fellowship. Both were passionate about growing their congregations and building vibrant, Christ-centered communities.
Pastor A at Grace Community constantly lamented not having enough time to improve their first-time guest retention strategy. They are always "too busy" managing weekly services and having one-on-one meetings with members of the congregation. Despite their dedication, the church struggled to keep new families engaged beyond their first few visits.
Pastor B at Faith Fellowship, however, decided to make time. They set aside two hours every week to work on welcoming and integrating new members. It wasn't easy – they had to wake up earlier for prayer and delegate some tasks – but they remained committed.
Six months later, Grace Community was still struggling with member retention, leaving Pastor A feeling overwhelmed and questioning their approach. Faith Fellowship, on the other hand, had seen an increase in regular attendance, with new families actively participating in various ministries.
The difference? Pastor B didn't find the time, they made it - by focusing on the ministry initiatives God highlighted to their leadership team and practically carving out time to focus on the things only they could do.
The Excuse Epidemic in Ministry
"We don't have time" is just the beginning of the excuses we often make. Let's discuss some hypothetical misconceptions:
"We're too busy with current members." Translation: "Welcoming new people isn't a priority right now."
"We'll focus on growth when things settle down." Remember, the Great Commission doesn't wait for perfect timing.
"We need to wait for the right resources." God often calls us to step out in faith with what we have.
"We're not sure where to start." This often masks a fear of change or lack of planning.
These excuses, while understandable, can hinder our church's growth and our ability to reach more people for Christ.
The Time Creation Formula for Church Leaders
How can we break free from these limitations and create time for what truly matters in our ministry? Here's a spiritually grounded approach:
Pray for Wisdom in Time Management: Seek God's guidance in how to best use your time for His glory.
Audit Your Time: For one week, track every 30-minute block of your day. You might be surprised at how much time is spent on tasks that could be delegated or eliminated.
Prioritize Kingdom-Focused Activities: Use a modified Eisenhower Matrix:
Urgent and Important for the Kingdom: Do these immediately.
Important for Growth but Not Urgent: Schedule these.
Urgent but Can Be Delegated: Empower your team or volunteers.
Neither Urgent nor Kingdom-Focused: Prayerfully consider eliminating these.
Block Your Time: Assign specific time blocks for important tasks like developing welcome strategies or planning community outreach. Treat these as sacred appointments.
Eliminate Distractions: Create a peaceful environment for focused work and prayer. Remember, even Jesus sought solitude for important tasks (Luke 5:16).
Start Small: Begin with just 30 minutes a day dedicated to church growth and guest retention strategies. Consistency in small steps can lead to significant progress.
Use the "One Thing" Principle: Ask, "What's the ONE thing we can do this week to make our church more welcoming to new families?"
The Power of Tiny Time Investments in Ministry
Small, consistent efforts, when blessed by God, can yield abundant fruit. Consider this: If you dedicate just 30 minutes a day to improving your church's first-time guest experience, that's 3.5 hours a week, 14 hours a month, and 168 hours a year.
Imagine the impact on your congregation after 168 hours of focused prayer and work on making your church a more welcoming, engaging community for new families!
The Cost of Inaction in Our Calling
Let's reflect on the cost of not making time for church growth and community building:
Every week we don't invest in welcoming strategies, we risk losing potential members of our church family. Every month we don't focus on retention, we miss opportunities to disciple new believers. Every year we don't grow, we limit our church's impact on the community.
The cost of inaction might mean souls not reached and lives not transformed by the Gospel.
Your Time Creation Challenge
I challenge you to stop making excuses and start making time for church growth. Here's how to begin:
Identify one ministry area in your church that needs attention.
Commit to spending 30 minutes a day in prayer and action on this area for the next week.
At the end of the week, assess your progress and how God has moved.
You'll be amazed at what can be accomplished with prayer and 3.5 hours of focused effort.
The Time is Now
Remember, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. What sets thriving churches apart is how they choose to use those hours in service to God and their communities.
You don't find time. You create it. You prioritize it. You make it happen, with God's guidance.
So, the next time you catch yourself saying, "We don't have time," stop and rephrase it to, "This isn't a priority for our church right now." If that statement doesn't align with your calling, then it's time to make a change.
Your future congregation will thank you for the time you invest today.
Michael Visser
Co-founder, Threefold Solutions
P.S. We assist with coaching, training, strategy, and support.
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